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Teeth extraction and generally maxillodental surgery operations are related to the great stress for the patients, following from tis our clinic has created quite new operational block, where our patients would have the opportunity for extraction not only the teeth, but to get the full dental service under the general anesthesia (narcosis), what would help our patients to overcome the fear of visiting a doctor easily.  
New operational block is equipped with modern surgery adjustments and apparatus, what gives the opportunity of conducting such surgery operations, as are:
Tooth extraction 
Extracting the impacted and embedded teeth
Surgery treatment of the middle and big sized cysts of maxillodental system
Resection of the root peaks
Closing the perforation of maxillary sinus 
Surgery treatment of benign formations of mucous membrane of the oral cavity, including the laser usage
Periodontal operations
Surgery preparation of jaws for future dental prosthetic rehabilitation
Augmentation (bone operations)
Operations are conducted by the local anesthesia as well under the general anesthesia (narcosis)
Surgery block is equipped with modern comfortable operational arm-chair and high quality lightening system and surgery adjustments of ultra-modern system;
Operational involvements are possible under the anesthesiology-resuscitator’s monitoring in case of common pathology.
According to the medical anamnesis surgery operations are conducted by the modern laser apparatus. 
You will be served by:

Gia Menabde D.M.S.

Maxillofacial surgeon

Jano Jikidze

Surgeon, dentist, periodontist

Mariam Phitskhelauri

Surgeon, dentist, periodontist